Thursday, September 29, 2011

My Dog

My dog shit five times on our walk to the dog park this morning. FIVE TIMES! Do you know anyone who brings that many pooper-scooper bags on a walk?!? I do. Me, but just by chance. And by chance, I mean that I stock up (aka steal) the bags from either our apartment complex or the dog park and stash them on the leash, just in case, for instances just like this. No, I don't think Gizzy has an intestinal problem, because this has been a trend. It's almost like she's marking, but with poop. Does she realize how inefficient it is to pop a poop-squat in five different places (and that's just on the a.m. walk)?!? I don't know that Cesar has a way to train a dog out of this. But I have considered not feeding her. Don't go calling animal control or anything just yet. I merely said I've considered it, not that I have acted on it. Although I mentioned my brilliant idea once to Alex, and he will never let me live it down. He's convinced I'm going to do the same thing to our baby. And if by "same thing," he means think of not feeding our baby, he's probably right. I'm just guessing here, but what mother out there, or rather, what breast-feeding mother out there, hasn't thought about what it would be like if they just didn't whip out their boob and feed their babe every time it cried for food? I'm just saying.

Lucky for my dog, and for the babies I know, they're damned cute. Too cute if you ask me. So cute they're almost edible. Another thing Alex won't let me say in public. I think he's afraid I'm going to get Child Protective Services called on me if I say aloud everything that comes to my mind. That's why I blog, I guess.

Here's a video of the adorable Gizzy and her new best friend, the even adorabler Logan:

P.S. Isn't my husband the mostest adorable though?!?

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