Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tee Vee


Alex and I recently acquired an antennae for our TV. We can no longer be those "we're-better-than-you-because-we-don't-have-television" people anymore. Bear in mind, we have been the proud owners of a flat screen TV for the past two years, and have maintained a Netflix account for the same amount of time. So our "we don't watch TV" attitude is a bit of a fallacy as it is. Only now, we actually have network television, and found ourselves silently immersed in the horrible CW show, some sort of 90210 remake. But it's not just infiltrated our evening time. For example, right now I am sitting on the couch distracted by The View, which just began. I've never actually seen this program, and am curious how a reality TV star, a great 1980s comedienne, and a well-respected journalist have joined forces for daytime women's programs.

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