Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Soooo, I'm pretty sure we just bought our first house at a Burgerville in SE Portland. Yeah, you read that right, Burgerville. After a whirlwind of a day, we met our realtor at 8:30 p.m. last night to sign some more papers. Burgerville in SE was splitting the difference between where we were at dinner with the family, and where she was after work.

The sellers countered with an offer yesterday that included closing by the end of the year, and taking over responsibility for the current renters. Hell no. I've got enough on my plate with work, my bro, baby appointments, and now the house. There's no way I want any responsibility for approving a lease, then giving renters notice to get them out. In other words, I don't want anyone living in my house! So we accepted a second offer that did not include the renters and we'll close in the new year. So pending all the inspections, etc, we are likely new homeowners!!!

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