Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Taking Care

Last night I was driving the Volvo back to my dad's to return it to its temporary home, after having borrowed it for the day, feeling kind of sorry for myself. With so much on my plate right now - my new job at the VA and taking care of patient needs; the pending house sale and taking care of business; my brother's injured brain and broken heart and taking care of his appointments and emotional needs; my growing baby girl and her plethora of upcoming needs - I started wondering, "Who is it that's going to take care of me???"

Alex is a Superman of a husband, but he doesn't take care of me the way I so desperately crave sometimes. I long for the empathy and comfort of a really good mama bear. The same way I feel when I have the stomach flu. I just want someone warm, loving, and maternal to come and stroke my hair, bring me crackers and Sprite, and tell me everything will be okay.

So yeah, I was feeling a bit woe-is-me-why-don't-I-have-a-mom, when lo and behold, my phone rings, and who is it?!? No, not my mom. That'd be weird. But my BFF Stac, the next best thing to a mom. I might not talk to her frequently, but she's got some inpeccable timing. And maybe even ESP.

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