Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Little Dog Who Cried Wolf

It appears we have a case of the little dog who cried wolf.

We were so pleased with Gizzy (ourselves) over the last couple weeks because she recently started making this pathetic whining noise and shaking her head so her collar rattles in order to let us know she needs to go out. This was great! She did that one morning while I was still in bed, I woke up, let her out, and she took care of business.

But then last night was a different story. She did this noisy little song and dance every two hours. She never took care of any sort of potty business, but instead seemed ready to play! Now I'm not sure whether to ignore her attempts to get our attention, because we prefer the interruption to cleaning dog shit out of the carpet. But I refuse to reinforce her midnight attempts to be pet and play.

Then again, maybe it's just training for when the baby comes. I'm sure two straight hours of solid sleep will seem like a luxury in just a few months from now.

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