Thursday, January 19, 2012

29 Weeks

"Do you have one in the oven?" the elderly Indian man (dot not feather) asked me at work the other day. He is maybe 85 pounds soaking wet, has no teeth, and a wiry beard that resembles pubic hair, yet there is something rather regal about his disposition. And I don't think it's his positioning in his hospital bed post-cerebellum stroke.

Anyway, why is it I get asked about my belly and upcoming bundle of joy by patients in the hospital on a daily basis. But not yet once has a good Trimet Samaritan offered this pregnant lady a seat on the packed bus?

Life is mostly comprised of work, couch time, dinner at the table courtesy of my husband, Jeopardy, a walk to the park with the dog, then shower and bed. Work is called that for a reason. It is indeed hard work, after all. It's pretty much all I have the energy for during the week. And thank goodness for a loving, gracious husband who is willing to not only cook but clean for me, too, on a daily basis.

I go to bed nightly resolving to eat less junk food (candy, hot chocolate and desserts) and to exercise more. And after reading my "Motherless Mothers" book last night, I need to be adding meditation to my list.

Overall, I still feel good. I would no longer say that I feel "great," but I don't have too many complaints yet. At least not ones that hold much ground, such as follows:

I feel like a bowling ball. Or maybe a bowling pin. My new motto is, "if you don't like your body, get pregnant and you'll realize how bangin' your body used to be." I'm now wearing running shoes to work. I feel like a PT not an SLP. Alex is rubbing "anti stretch mark cream" on my belly nightly, meanwhile I'm crossing my fingers I get my waist back someday. Oh yeah, and my collarbones. And my belly button too. I dont even revognize my stomach! It is starting to resemble that of an alien or some other non-mammalian creatures. I still get bloody noses on a daily basis and I still haven't asked my doc about it. No real swelling in my feet, or ankles yet, even on the days I'm on my feet a lot. I'm resenting those pregnant ladies who don't look pregnant, while meanwhile marveling at and admiring the ability of my body to take on such a transformation. Strange body-awareness place to be - dreading my ever-expanding waistline and elephant-like thighs, but meanwhile relishing in what my body is able to do, excited to meet the little being I spend every minute cooking.

She's still kicking regularly, although I'm mostly only aware when in bed. Sometimes she kicks me in the ribs, usually on the right side. And sometimes she gives her daddy a high five right from the center of my belly. And other times it feels like she's kicking me in the vagina, which makes me squirm a bit in discomfort. Especially at work.

And yes, my boobs are huge. Not that I'm wanting to draw attention to it, but come on people, I could practically be an x-rated circus show.

1 comment:

  1. I think you look awesome! And so happy! I feel your pain about the boobs. I felt like a cartoon when my milk came in- thankfully they deflated a little bit after that. But I got fitted for nursing bras at Nordstrom (which I highly recommend) and I could not believe the size she told me.
    Glad the little one is still thriving! You're in the home stretch now- any plans for things you and Alex want to do one last time before she arrives?


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