Wednesday, April 11, 2012

This Is What 30 Looks Like

Today, I turned 30. A whole new decade to embark on. I don't feel any different than I did yesterday. Not older. Not wiser. But I do feel optimistic about what is to come. The first 30 years have been pretty remarkable, and I expect nothing less than lots of good times filled with love, laughs and adventure, and a spattering of difficult endeavors that serve to enrich the rest of my fortunate life.

Here's what I did and did not do to celebrate today. I did sleep-in until 11 am. I did spend the day with my two favorite people. I did get to talk to both my brother and my dad. I did not listen to my other voicemails. I did not work. I did have my first cocktail in 10 or so months. I did eat brunch at Gravy. I did not exercise. I did not clean up any dog poop or pee. I did change Francie's diaper. I did eat dessert - three times. I did get a fabulous present from my hubby. I did sit and stare at my beautiful baby girl. I did visit the fabric store. I did not run any errands. I did not pee my pants. I did hear "Knocking on Heaven's Door." I did receive a fabulous, personalized birthday poem. I did hear from many friends, near and far. I did feel loved, via Facebook. I did reflect back on some of the highlights of the last year, decade, and my life in general. I did daydream about what the next 30 years might entail. I did laugh. I did not cry. I did have a wonderful, wonderful day.

My 20s were full of lots and lots of new experiences. I studied abroad and lived in Ireland. I graduated college. I met , nurtured, and kept in touch with amazing girlfriends. I moved to Telluride. I skiied. I traveled to Central and South America. I moved to Tahoe. I hiked mountains. I met Alex. I fell in love. I learned to be a journalist. I toured Argentina, and visitd the southernmost city in the world. I got engaged (and had the wedding of a lifetime). I went back to school. I earned a Master's degree and got a big-girl job. I got pregnant. Bought a house. I gave birth to a beautiful and healthy daughter.

And these are just the big things I can think of off the top of my head.

As for my 30s, I'm thinking it will be less about experimentation, the next big thing, or novel experiences, and more about really taking the time to soak it all in. To slow down the clock. To stop and smell the roses. To count life's blessings. Basically, I just want to hang out and enjoy all the things I already have. I want to sit in the adirondack chair of life - I want to watch my kids play in the yard, watch my corgi run in the park; I want to hug and kiss my husband, and cuddle with him in bed at night; I want to get breakfast with girlfriends; I want to listen to the same stories from my dad, to make sure I know them by heart; I want to plant a garden and grow my own vegetables; I want to nap in the sunlight and BBQ with friends; I want to go for long evening walks, or to splash in the puddles. I want to learn how to simply be, as though I spent my 20s cultivating what I will actually take the time to enjoy in my 30s. I truly feel like this next decade will be even better than the last.

And now, please excuse me as I go imbibe additional adult beverages (I must make up for lost time, you know, the pregnant months). And while Alex and I toast our champagne glasses, we will be watching the 500 GB harddrive of Hartman Family home videos that my dad gave me for my birthday. And sharing the memories of my first three decades. I admit, I wish my mom was here to celebrate with me.

Cirque du Soleil tickets! And a Gravy bloody Mary.

My favorite (early) birthday gift.

Family day. Best way to spend a birthday.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome post Jo! I wish I was as articulate. Here's to Thirty and beyond!


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