Thursday, April 5, 2012

Two and a Half Weeks

Because I'm an obsessive archivist, we have decided to initiate the tradition of taking a weekly photo of our growing baby girl. Maybe one day we will be able to make a killer time lapse video or something. I made this growth chart to have a reference point for her growth. Plus, it's fun to play dress-up with a real, live doll!

A snapshot of Francie at 2 1/2 weeks
Her hair is very thin and fine, and has a reddish-blonde hue. She still has her newborn lanugo. Her eyes are a dark blue, and her pupils seem to blend in to the iris. Her eyes are puffy, and with her fair eyebrows, she definitely resembles Brian, my mom, or me. Her nose is wider, and looks like the Hartman Cherokee nose. Her face is heart-shaped, maybe like Brian Close. Overall, she definitely looks like me for now. However, her body is nothing like either Alex or mine. She is a little peanut, with long, skinny limbs. Her hands and feet seem somewhat large for her body. And her head, it's egg-shaped. Overall, she's the cutest Bean I've ever seen and I love to kiss every inch of her!
She doesn't seem to love tummy time, but is able to lift her head and hold it steady for a few. She has started to open her eyes more frequently and for longer periods of time. Sometimes she still looks a bit googley-eyed, but can focus, especially on lights and faces. She makes the most adorable noises - she mews like a cat, growls like a bear, and makes noises like a terradactyl.
Most nights, she's a great sleeper. She can go down for two to three hours at a time. She is sleeping in our bed, wearing either her SwaddlePod or a blanket swaddle courtesy of Alex. She is a noisy sleeper - and is usually able to wake me up with her animal noises when she gets hungry.
When trying to latch, she shakes her head and growls like a baby bear. And sometimes when she's hungry she makes this silly little bird face. She's eating pretty well, about every 2 hours. Although in the evenings she would stay latched to my boob if I let her. She farts and burps like an adult, which I think is hilarious. And she seems to have more than enough dirty diapers each day.
So far she seems pretty laid-back, and only fusses in the evenings. Really, she just wants to be held or swaddled. She is definitely nocturnal, which I learned that most babies are. She likes to be cuddled, but maybe that's just because her arms are restrained in a swaddle!
She peed and pooped on me this week!

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