Tuesday, May 22, 2012


I try to keep Francie on me or near me more than I put her down. But in this day and age of running around and "to do" lists, it truly is more convenient to use a car seat, a stroller, a swing.

But in other ways it's much easier to put the baby in a carrier and have two free hands.

The research is pretty evident that wearing your baby leads to more secure attachment, fewer tears, and better sleep.

On the days that Francie spends more time in the carrier, she seems to fuss less. And even feed less, though I don't know whether this is a good or bad thing. I tell myself that she feeds less frequently, but that may be she in turn feeds more efficiently.

Today I attempted true babywearing. Like how those 'attachment parents' do it. I even breastfed Francie while wearing the Beco. It didn't really go that well. Let's be honest, it's because my boobs are far too large and in charge, and thus hang halfway down my torso, for Francie to easily be at mouth-to-nipple level. But they say practice makes perfect, so I'm willing to give it a few more go's.

Theoretically, you can eat, do laundry, walk the dog, pee, use the computer, etc while wearing your baby. About the only things you can't do are go for a run or change her diaper.

1 comment:

  1. You've seen the latest TIME magazine cover/have read the article/followed the controversy that ensued, right??!
    Attachment parenting or baby training - that is the question...


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