Monday, May 7, 2012

Sarah's First Baby

Francie spent Thursday out on the town. First thing in the morning she visited Kathy, Annmarie, Christine, and Erin at the VA. She gave Kathy what I'd like to count as her first volitional smile - a shit-eating ear-to-ear grin, actually. Then she ate brunch in the lobby of OHSU before meeting Sarah. Sarah claims to have never held a baby before, or at least one this young. She did fabulously, and I think might have even fallen in love with Francie just a bit, and vice versa. Then again, how can you not?!? It was nice for me to feel like a part of the professional world for just a second, but still no part of me wants to go back to work again. I love my job as an SLP, but I love my job as Francie's mama more!

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