Tuesday, June 5, 2012

11 Weeks

The Bean now weighs in at 10 lbs 8 oz and is 22.75 inches long! 

My baby girl, she likes to stretch. She strrrrrrreeeeeetches when she wakes up in the morning. She strrrrrrreeeeeeeeetches when I take her out of her carseat. She strrrrrrreeeetches (or, as we like to call, fist pumps) when she plays.

Her skin folds, however, are not getting adequately aired-out. My baby girl, she's smelly. And I mean, smeeeelllllyyyy. Mostly in her double-chin, where breast milk goes to curdle and spit-up makes home. But also in her arm rolls, her leg folds and behind her ears.

Her movements are getting bigger and more spastic. "They" say that she's supposed to be developing more fluid movements, but my baby girl, she likes to jerk her arms all about and kick her legs like she's swimming or riding a bike. If it wasn't totally inappropriate to say or didn't make me feel like I was cursing my child, she moves her limbs like she has Huntington's chorea.

Most notably, this week, she began doling out smiles much more readily. And we FINALLY were able to catch some on camera.

Because pictures are worth more than my words ...
The ladies, hangin on the sofa.

Sleeping on Grammy.

Infant, or wise old Asian man?

And because I'm learning how fun Picasa can be, here are some photo collages. Also, it means I don't have to choose my favorite pictures, I can just use them all ...
Squinty-eyed smile.

Blue Steel.

Baby Beluga.

Loungin' on the new chaise, building a planter box, and planting our first veggies.


  1. Jo - Francie is starting to fill out! Dang she is so cute. I miss seeing her. Can't wait to see you in a few weeks. I think I'll give you that pillow back - I can't quite figure out how to use it. Hmmm. Love your veggies - what a great spot!

  2. Isn't it funny how once they start smiling, you get sucked into it and by the time you grab the camera it's too late? It took me a week to catch Jake smiling even though he does everyday. I tried taking video last night, but I think once he hears the iPhone "dink" sound, he gets shy and stops smiling. Francie is lookin good!

  3. Planter boxes are the bomb! And by the way, how do you get that cool REPLY option at the bottom of each comment that is posted??


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