Monday, December 3, 2012

3/5 WR Babies

The Thorners and The Cliftons visited this weekend and we had such a fun time watching the babies "play." Or, we had such a fun time watching the babies. Period. The nights went surprisingly smoothly, even with three families plus one dog camping in our smallish house overnight. 

Peter is 4 months and smiles easily; he has what Alex called "aging rock star" hair, and is the only boy of the group. Kennedy is 6 weeks and rocks tummy time and likes to poop in the bath. We are patiently awaiting the arrival of Baby Girl Johnson in Big Sky in January, and Baby Girl Shine in Denver in March. So fun to have so many girlfriends on the same page of the same chapter of the same book of life.

Surprisingly, babies are difficult to photograph. Especially when they are at different stages of head and trunk control. And then, when they get older, they won't stay still. I can see why Anne Geddes used sleeping newborns as her medium. I'm no Anne Geddes, my friends. But here is what I came up with.

Francie's penchant for touching faces can border on inappropriate at times. She was trying to stick her grubby little baby fingers all over Peter and Kennedy's nice clean baby faces.

Boys rule. And drool.

Closest we got to seeing all three faces.

And, photo shoot over.

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