Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A Day in the Life - of Francie

Francie wanted to do a guest blog post, so here's her version of "A Day in the Life."

7:15 a.m.
Wake up. Did I mention I slept through the entire night? Again!?!

Practice sitting up and roaming around my non child proofed room - quietly. I know my parents are gonna put me in that crib any day now that I'm mobile.

Mama comes in to get me. I reach to give her a big good morning hug. She brings me back to her bed and I nurse leisurely and we cuddle until almost 8.

Time to start my day. Practicing my "dadada" and "nanana." I do my exercises. Kinda like burpies, where I go from my tummy to sitting and back again. I also practice my screeches, my clapping, my "mmmmmmm" and "bababa" sounds. And I practice my giggling when mama tickles me. I start to get restless, so mama finally gets us out of bed, changes my diaper, and we walk the dog. She puts me in my giraffe suit, because she says it's really chilly outside. I have to ride in the stroller, which means I don't get to hold Gizzy's leash. At the park it even snows a little bit!

Breakfast time. Oatmeal plus applesauce and cinnamon. One of my favorites.

After just five or ten minutes of my standing and crawling exercises, I rub my eyes from tiredness.

Mama scoots me upstairs, reads me my new Eric Carle book from Auntie Rachel, sings me Kumbaya and lays down on my futon with me. She falls asleep but I mostly stay awake, playing with my feet and talking to myself. When she sees that I'm still sort of awake after 45 minutes, she nurses me a bit.

Mama left me to try and sleep on my own, but I'm not having it. I want to practice my sitting!

Uh-oh. Wah! I fell over and knocked my noggin, just like I did yesterday during a nap and again at bedtime. My parents are going to have to figure out a new sleep sitch, as I'm mobile now, and can't be contained.

You know it's a good day when you're still in your pj's at nearly lunch time! Just playing with my blocks, my play grocery sack, and my mama. We also do some chores like wash the sheets, fold and put away my clothes, and weed out those that don't fit me anymore. I'm getting so big! I wear a few 9 months, but mostly all 12 months now.

12 pm
I fuss so mama nurses me. And I bite her!

Time for lunch. I get an assortment today - avocado frost, then bites of hummus, and yams. And to practice my self-feeding, I eat some yogurt drops. I'm getting really good at this, if I may say so myself.

It's still snowing out! I like to watch it fall. It's not really sticking much, but it sure is pretty.

More playtime. Mostly on the floor. More standing and crawling exercises with mama. And a little time in the Pack n Play so she can work on the sewing machine in the office. I dance a bit, by thrusting my hips and swaying my arms above my head, to the Lupe album playing in the background.

Mama has kinda been ignoring me in this pack n play while she sews. I squawk to get her attention and she brings me upstairs to play in the nursery. Before I know it I'm down for a nap.

I only slept for just over an hour. And I needed some help staying asleep. I just like it when mama stays with me.

Peekaboo is my favorite game this week!

Another walk to the park with Giz. Some playing. Nurse again at 5. Another bonk on the head (its dangerous being so active!)

Daddy's home!!!

My 'rents lowered my crib and we all played in the nursery. Just now I tried hummus. Like whoa.

Quick family outing to Target. My mama is obsessing over germs and the fact that everyone's sick. I don't get it. It doesn't bother me when I put my mouth on the shopping cart.

Bath time with mama! And Goodnight Moon and Kumbaya.

And now my first night back in the crib in a loooooong time. I need just a little help falling and staying asleep early on, but then make it through the whole night!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for sleeping through the night! Here's to many more night of fitful, yummy sleep!


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