Friday, February 15, 2013

Happy VD!

Thanks for the laugh, Gary Parkin. I'm gonna go ahead and assume you meant Valentine's Day and not venereal disease. Then again, the two may be synonymous among certain folks this time of year.

We typically care very little-to-none about Valentine's Day at our house. I'm not sure we've ever done much to acknowledge the holiday, aside from an excuse to eat out last minute or buy conversation hearts or fresh flowers. Although if I recall correctly, Alex first moved in with me (and Stac) on V-Day in 2007. Ah, romance. The two of us are like The Notebook.

Seriously, though, being a stay at home mom inspires a bit more interest in the Hallmark holidays - an excuse to make things! The Bean made her daddy a modified Pinterest creation - "love" painted on burlap with hand and footprints. This year, I gave Alex my heart. A needle felted anatomically correct heart, that is. Alex and his students constructed a homemade Valentine with Shakespeare quotes about love, which he then gave me along with Swedish fish (?). We visited Alex for lunch at WLHS, where we also ran into Logan, who gave the Bean her first rose. And then promptly took it back. And we ate dinner with my dad; he brought us this amazing Peruvian chicken dish and gave the Bean a cute card.

As far as I can tell, V-Day is now an excuse for me to dress my child in a ridiculously cute glittery tutu. Right?

1 comment:

  1. Oh Francie. Let me tell you. The boys at West Linn, they are like this. Please don't take it personally when they give you something and then take it away. We've all been there. But I've heard that if you're patient, you'll someday get to stroll in with your adorable daughter to visit your husband. While you are savoring the glares from the high school meangirls who are in love with him, you will know it's true: revenge is a dish best served cold, little one.


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