Tuesday, August 27, 2013

1st Day of School

The Bean hit up daycare again today - as she had officially started "skuh" - and it went more smoothly than last week, fortunately. I had the distinct maternal pleasure of observing her to scream bloody murder, and then silently cry with a red face and tears streaming from her eyes, as soon as I turned to walk out the door at the school. Turns out she wasn't like that all morning, but that was the imprint in my mind. When I picked her up, her teacher, Jessica, provided me with a written daily update, and it was nice to hear that although she mewed "mamamama" and "dadadadada" intermittently throughout the day, she was mostly a happy camper who bebopped around asking for books and snacks. And then she was a pleasant as can be all evening and before bed. Needless to say I'm proud of my brave, grown-up girl. Now let's cross our fingers she doesn't revert to night waking/nursing.

1 comment:

  1. So freaking sweet---her faces! Her report card. Love it all.


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