Monday, January 6, 2014

Potty Party

The Bean peed on the potty! And she even looked cute doing it. Her reward was getting to wipe, flush, and wash her hands. And praise, lots of praise. It was just circumstantial, I'm sure, but we are proud nonetheless. We aren't "potty training" yet, but she has a potty upstairs and a special toilet seat downstairs that she likes to sit on occasionally. Today she just happened to actually pee while sitting! Well, after she peed a bit on the kitchen floor during neked time post-bath, Daddy scooped her off to sit on the potty to finish the job. Great first toileting, girlfriend. 

1 comment:

  1. Ohh we've heard good things about those potty seats and plan on using one with Iris! What a big girl, good job Francie!


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