Tuesday, December 1, 2015

(What's Good) - 12/1/15

I stole this idea from a neighbor who had been posting on Facebook.

Lately, shamefully, I have been totally mindless and having a difficult time recognizing all the good in my life. This is my (feeble) attempt to stop and smell the roses daily for the month of December. To get in some gratitude before the year ends. To capitalize on the last few days of feeling good, and keep the ball rolling. Positivity begets positivity. 

Today I felt fully present with my Bean while getting ready this morning, and certainly while putting her to bed tonight. She opened her first of the advent. We dug out the Christmas books. And she asked me to tell her a story at bedtime, before telling her own goofy tale. My husband let me sleep this morning and kissed me sweetly goodbye before leaving for work. He made dinner tonight, including greasy Italian sausage which tasted better to me than it should have. We had a useful, if do rehab difficult/awkward but meaningful talk about something we want to work on/toward in our relationship together. I treated myself to my favorite overly-sweet chai at the OHSU cafe. My very difficult patient was less difficult today, and somewhat open to treatment approached we discussed. Tonight we started the current season of Homeland. I'm actually looking forward to when the Bean wakes me up in the middle of the night and asks me to come sleep with her, leading me by the hand back to her room and into her bed for the rest of the night. "Cuddle me, mama" can be so sweet, even at 3 am. 

When I wear these rose colored glasses, there was lots of good to notice in my day. Life, can be, and is, good. 

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