Wednesday, December 2, 2015

(What's Good) - 12/2/15

My dad watching the Bean every Wednesday. And get looking forward to it. Man they could inspire an adorable children's story. 

My daughter's love and compassion for the hurt/injured - I smashed my head against the ceiling, and all the wanted to do was hug, kiss, and comfort me. 

Having a part time job. Wednesday = Friday. 

Shazam. And my newest playlist. 

The OHSU skybridge and walks with my coworker/friend. 

Working with WL teens on study skills. My nerdy professional interest in helping people learn how to learn more efficiently. 

My dad making dinner AND dessert. 

Owning my own elliptical. So that even though I'm no fit beast, I'm at least able to keep my heart healthy enough with exercise. 

A Photoshop Xmas card date with the Hubs. 

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