Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Random Thoughts for the Day

I found $5 on my walk at Gabriel Park today. I couldn't run because it hurt my jaw, something akin to a sinus infection. I guess it's a good thing I start taking antibiotics tonight, in preparation for the HSG evaluation tomorrow. But also, walking for exercise should be preferable these days, with the upcoming Camino. 

I have so many things flying through my mind. Things to do, things to think about. Work. Finishing up at the VA and prepping for other work. The Camino. Gear, training, electronic preparations like offloading my iPad and iPhone. And all the other things I want to get done before then, like projects and gifts for Alex and Francie while I'm gone, crafts and gifts for Baby Girl Hartman, for Baby Girl Menne who will be born whil I'm gone. My brother's 40tj birthday. Wrapping up Full Circle business and finances. Writing - my blog, Portland Moms Blog, for me, old story ideas. Regular house stuff, like cleaning and laundry and meal planning and a Costco run. Fertility. Summer plans. On my walk yesterday I was daydreaming about painting the office wall with chalkboard paint so I could map out all these thoughts. Put them on paper the way I tell my patients to do. 

I already finished reading When Breath Becomes Air, the best book I've read in quite some time, and I have had it less than a week. I first heard about it on NPR when it was just released, and happened to spot it at the library when I was picking up another book I had on hold. It was a fast read, smart and well-written with interesting prose and profound but simple ideas. 

Like I mentioned, I have that HSG imaging study tomorrow, and the part I'm most nervous about is the taking of antibiotics. I don't know that I have had to take any in at least 5 years, if not 10. I mean, what if I develop a spontaneous allergy to this one? We don't even have an epi-pen. Or what if it fucks up my gut biome for a whole year, like I read about. And the super-bacteria? I want no part in helping to create it. I'm also nervous about all the steps involved in this test - scheduling the exam for day 7-10 of my cycle, picking up a pee cup from the lab, the antibiotics and hydrocodone. Starting the antibiotics tonight, stopping fluid intake by 9 pm. Urine sample first thing in the morning, drop off at any Kaiser lab before noon. Possible follow up blood work. Take prophylactic pain meds around noon. Arrive to the Kaiser Westside facility by 1, continue taking the antibiotics twice daily for 5 days. Okay okay, so when I write it out it doesn't sound so bad. But there's something about the details and the timing that stress me out. And also the not drinking water after 9 pm thing. Like, what if I get thirsty?

1 comment:

  1. Not drinking after 9pm is the WORST. I've been wanting to read When Breath Becomes Air! I'm glad it has the Jo Close seal of approval. I'll have to wait until I'm emotionally more stable though (the author has the same rare type of lung cancer my dad has so it's too fresh). Keep us posted on your procedure! I'll be thinking about you this week


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