Friday, July 8, 2016

15 Years

July 8/9 marked 15 years since my mom died. Fifteen years seems pretty significant. But between recent travel and a new job, I wasn't particularly pensive about the anniversary. Save for the math that tells me in four years I will have spent as much of my life without a mom as with one. My dad, Alex, Francie and I did honor the date by eating delicious key lime pie at a yummy pie place in NW PDX after I worked. I had also just recently received photos from one of my mom's college BFFs so we looked through those and shared a few memories, like when she and my dad were just dating. and he took her backpacking in Kings Canyon and there was a flash flood. Needless to say, she passed his "test," but never really did much backpacking or rustic camping after that. 

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