Monday, September 19, 2016

(54 Months) - 4 and a 1/2 Years Old

First thing she said to me this morning: "I'm bigger today," as her face widened into a smile and she opened her eyes. And then she requested I sing her the "Happy Birthday" song. 

Scene: Wilson High School outdoor swimming pool, on the last day of summer. To start, it was just her and me among the crowded madness, enjoying some one-on-one pool time, her showing off all her moves.
"Mama, why is that baby black?"
Me: "That's not really a "why" question sweetie ... Like our hair, we all have different color skin, too ... A baby has two patents, so just because your parents happen to look alike doesn't mean all parents do. If that lady is the baby's mama, I'm guessing the daddy has dark skin."
Turns out the nice mom overhears our whole "teaching moment" and informs us that her husband is from Nigeria. I would have been embarrassed, but I kinda did a kick-ass job explaining that race shit. 

We pass a woman in a hijab with a stroller:
"What's that outfit called?"

She started PreK this month and continued to be SO excited about it b

Can buckle entirely by herself into her car seat. 

Eating lamb shanks: "I couldn't live without this meat."

"I wish you didn't have to work all the time." Funny statement given we had almost the whole summer off together and I work only parttime. 

"Why is that black man handing out tickets?"
Turns out that, yes, while the man himself was black, she referred to him as @that black man" because he was wearing all black. Duh, mom. 

She told me about a bad dream she had that resulted with her in our bed: "I dreamed we were standing in a line with my mom and dad and bad guys took me and cooked me in the oven and ate me."

Getting home after daycare pickup with Alex: "I want some apple juice. And a baby brother."

"How do real tigers get babies?"

She is soooooo comforting and caring. I had the (unfortunate and kinda embarrassing) experience of crying following an awkward friend sitch, and boy did she want me to feel better! She brought me "stuffies," pat my head, covered my face with blankets, told me she loved me, used her sweet voice and kind words ... 

"I like that plant right there. Because then my succulent gets good light. I'm trying to take really good care of it."

"My hands have powers ... Fire power, ice power, unicorn power ... It's when pretend unicorns get distracted by whales."

Me to Alex: "Are you going downstairs to get me a Diet Coke?"
Francie to Alex: "Can you get me a beer?"
Alex to Francie: "Are you old enough? Are you 21?"
Francie to everyone: "No, I'm SIXTY!"

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