Thursday, March 16, 2017

Life Right Now

My current life/state of mind could best be summed up with a real-life metaphor ... 

When you discover the reason your vacuum isn't working - after verbally requesting, sending a text, sticking a post-it note on the mirror, and then physically getting the vacuum out and asking again for help fixing it ("women do all the noticing" anyone?!?) - is because your almost-5-year-old's sock was lodged deep in the hose. In other words, the very people who cause you the most housework are the exact ones impeding said housework. 

This, in the context of work, winter weather, overcommittung, interminable fatigue, and my own shitty self/attitude.

But also, when your only hope of a saving grace is your every two week Friday appointment, but your therapiat cancels tomorrow because she's sick. And then because of vacation/Spring Break your next appointment isn't for, literally, a month.

Cheers to long commutes alone in the cocoon of my car for daily cries. Or for an elliptical machine in my room, because I can't exercise and cry at the same time. Hashtag gratitude?

1 comment:

  1. wait, hold up. you can't exercise and cry at the same time?? there must be something wrong with me because the only time I cry is when I'm on a run. You just gave me inspiration for my next tattoo! It'll read "you can't exercise and cry at the same time" on my forearm:) but in all seriousness, I'm sorry you're having a rough time. I've been in a funk lately too. I blame the weather. I just bought one of those 'happy lamps' for daylight inside my house. so far, it's been useless, but I'll keep you posted if it works


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