Monday, August 21, 2017

(65 Months) - 5; 5

5;5 as of August 19th, and I have a new iPhone 7 Plus to boot - the tragic thing is just now, literally just now, I made the mistake of "restoring" my new iPhone from the backup of my old iPhone without first backing up the new iPhone photos/video/data that I'd acquired in the 3+ weeks since I got the new phone. Needless to say, I'm having something of an existential millennial crisis. So yeah, the only photos I have are ones I cobbled together from texts I had sent Alex and the BFFs. Fortunately I kept note of at least a few anecdotes in Google Docs, which apparently is immune to my vulnerability for Apple data disasters.

This month included finishing up swim class at Wilson Pool, and she continues to love being in the water. Alex and Francie camped for a total of 2 weeks in July - one week at Cow Camp with the Franzke Clan, and another week with me in tow up at Timothy Lake for Family Camping. Alex built a swingset in the backyard. Temperatures reached 100+ degrees in Portland. We learned Baby Dos is a GIRL, who maintains the nickname "Bob" regardless of sex, and who Francie wants to name Rose, Rosie, or Rosita. Francie upgraded from the small pinb Big Kid Bike to the larger purple one, giving her much more independence to go up bigger hills and further distances, and now we can take family bike rides to Hideaway Park and Garden Home Rec Center; next stop: Faraway Park. "Ghostie" is to blame for many things, including farts, moved objects, or even just to keep someone company in the front seat. In addition to biking on the regular, we pirated the Hubbard's boat for a paddle down part of the Willamette and shot arrows with Beebee at the archery range in Washington Park. And we also enjoyed a nice visit from Mimi and Papa, including being spoiled with a beautiful new front door that a neighbor said "really dresses the house up, like lipstick." We play Uno what feels like 24/7, and we've come to think of Francie as a bit of an Uno Savant.

Me: Are you coming in to take a shower and get ready for bed?
F: Yeah, I'm gonna take a bath though. Because I gotta get real clean, and my carriage is itchy.

F: Maybe every night you remember me you could read “the magic string.”
Me: I could never forget you.
F: Yeah, because you're nothing without me.

“How's Bob doing?”

A car driving too fast through the campground: “They drive like they think they own the place.”

Throwing a fit one night before bed: “It's not hard to be tired, it's hard to be FIVE!”

"Ghostie did it … he likes to get into mischief.”

I have a shell that my mom brought me from Bali in 1998. I have it in a shelf in my meditation corner, and Francie likes to listen in it. One night before bed she says:
“I'm listening to Grandma Nancy. ‘I wish I could be your grandma’ she says.”
Then she holds the shell up to my ear and says,
“She says she wishes she could live until you're a grownup. Until you're an old lady.”

Started saying “I don't see no xxx.” “I don't want no xxx.”

“Your boobies are so big! They hang off your body!! They're like a trampoline!!!”

Backwash = “overlap”

“That guy in the light blue shirt has the EXACT same bow as Merida. Except without the puffs.”

Francie dreamed I had the baby and it was a (black) bird that didn't know how to fly.

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