Monday, June 25, 2012

Three Months!

We have officially graduated from the fourth trimester. The Bean is now a real baby instead of just a big fetus! We are so proud of how she's grown and of all the new things she learns each day. Imagine having this whole new body and having to learn how to use it!

We wanted her official measurements on document for her 3-month-birthday, which was last Tuesday.
Weight: 11 lbs 6 oz (10-25th %ile)
Height: 22.5 inches (10-25th %ile)
Head Circumference: 15.5 inches (25th %ile)

Francie, at three months, is a whole different baby than she was even just weeks before. For example, she can now eat her hands. She drools like a basset hound and can blow bubbles, sometimes covering her chin in a spit-beard. I've resorted to putting bibs on her to keep her chest dry, especially if I've dressed her in a cute outfit when we have some "special" event. She has relatively good neck control, despite a paucity of tummy time. She whines and cries each time she's on her belly, even when she's laying on my chest, and I'm a big softie so I don't push it. Alex will get on that this summer. We are dirty hippies and bathe her only once per week, otherwise just giving her wipedowns with soap and a washcloth. Her chubby neck folds smell nasty, a little bit like sweaty vagina, so we've taken to sponge-bathing her pretty regularly, so we don't gag when we cover her in kisses.

She has become very vocal, cooing, coughing, and even something that approximates a giggle. She will talk to herself sometimes, but mostly enjoys being social. She loves looking around, especially at faces, and regularly exchange smiles and coos with Alex and me.

She continues to be an excellent sleeper, averaging anywhere from 5 to 9 hours between feedings at night. She is still solely breastfed, with an occasional bottle from Alex for practice. But that will change when I go back to work. I'm planning to pump three times per day, and then nurse her for the rest of the feedings. We attempted to put her to sleep without her swaddle, but her limbs just flailed about fitfully and she didn't seem very relaxed. She outgrew the zip up swaddlers a few weeks ago, but still fits comfortably in the baby straight jackets with Velcro.

She is now pooping a couple times each day, with week-long stretches without a dirty diaper in sight every now and again. We still love our BumGenius cloth diapers and homemade cloth wipes. She's a gassy girl who belches like a beer drinking man and coughs when she farts. And she spits up on the regular, something Dr. Internet calls a "happy spitter" - barfing without any real sign of stress or discomfort. My clothes have come to regularly smell like sour milk.

She seems to love music, either when Alex plays her the guitar, and even when I sing her Baby Beluga on repeat. She likes to be outdoors and looks around wide-eyed at the sky and the tall trees. She relies on  her Soothie and we don't go anywhere without it. And she loves looking around and facing out when we are in public or socializing. She sleeps easy in her carseat, smiles when she gets her diaper changed, and seems most content when lying in bed with me, tummy to tummy, nursing. Then again, that's my happiest time, too.

Everyone from Alex's world says she looks like him, and everyone from my world thinks she looks like me. We think she has my eyes and facial expressions, Alex's coloring, his chubby apple cheeks, his brother's chin and face shape, and maybe my brother's nose. Her eyes are a darker blue and her hair light-colored with some strawberry hues. She's definitely filled out and has fat filling her skin rolls.

We love her even more at three months than we did at birth, and we didn't think that would even be possible. I can't imagine our life "BF" - Before Francine - and it's like she was always meant to be part of our wolf pack. Wandering the desert looking for strippers and cocaine.

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