Thursday, November 22, 2012

Giving Thanks

For many things, both material and immaterial, I am very grateful. I saw a quote today that was something to the effect of, "Happy people aren't grateful, grateful people are happy." Or something like that. Today is as good a day as any to give thanks for the many fortunes in my life ...

For having a singleton baby and not twins. I watched Francie AND a 5-month-old yesterday, and it was tough work.

For sleeping 12 hours last night, with only three interruptions.

For the crisp, clear autumnal weather this holiday.

For the family playing a pickup game of soccer at the park this morning.

For "owning" my own home (really the bank owns it, but still, I can paint it whatever colors I want).

For my iPad, for without it, I would not have easy access to Parenthood, Scandal, and Nashville.

For my brother's full recovery from his accident- this time last year there were still a number of unknowns about how the year might unfold.

For my dad's good health, despite being older than dirt.

For the support of my inlaws and my BFF to take such good care of my Bean while I finished my fellowship.

For my Volvo, that it still runs well. And for the "Baby on Board" sign above my Led Zeppelin sticker.

For delicata squash, which I only recently discovered.

For my girlfriends - our similarities and our differences, our shared history and our making of new memories.

For "man loaf" - a stuffing-like creation of Brian's that is NOT gluten-free, NOT veggie-friendly, NOT dairy-free, etc.

And more than anything, for my husband and my baby girl - and our first thanksgiving as a family together.

Here's wishing for continued good health, happiness, and good fortune. Happy Thanksgiving!

Nothing warms my heart like seeing my three favorite men going goo-goo-ga-ga over my most favorite little lady. My mom's heart, too, would swell at this sight.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Love this! Francie is SO flipp'n adorable. And the red hair...! :))


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