Saturday, November 2, 2013


I wouldn't say Francie entirely got the holiday. She wasn't afraid of it, per se, but she wasn't all that amped about it either. She hit up 3 neighbor houses for trick or treating. And since she's never had candy, she didn't much care about holding her felt pail to ask for a fill-up. We could barely get her up the walkway to our next door neighbor's house first. Then again, she's afraid of Lisa, the very warm and nice 20-something, who F sees often. My theory is it's because Lisa babysat her once, and she seems wary of anyone she's been "abandoned" with. She warmed up a little bit when we suggested we go to Claire's house. She loves "Kuh," the now-8-year-old across the street and a few houses down. Both Claire and her brother Caleb have equal affection for Francie, too. Claire was dressed as a Greek goddess and Caleb as his favorite, Buzz Lightyear. F did get some mama-friendly chocolate there, and then we visited Stella next door. F much preferred to sit on the porch and give out candy, usually choosing one of the gross little sour licorice. If a whole crew of kids all came up at once, F would get scared and start crying, but the costumes themselves didn't seem to bother her. I think she's more of a Xmas than Halloween kid, not unlike her mother. She definitely rocked the strawberry costume, though. When she was wearing it during the day, she wanted nothing to do with the hood, but come evening, she sported it gladly, probably because she was reinforced by onlookers telling her how cute she was. And was she ever!

Heading out trick or treating. 

The many faces of a strawberry. 

Visiting daddy at work. 

She painted pumpkins at school and is pointing to the playground. 

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