Sunday, September 21, 2014

(30 Months) - 2 and 1/2 Years Old

Happy Half-Birthday, Francie Pants!

Still asking "why?" All.The.Time.
Obsessed with her "stoof" and watching us cook or make things in the kitchen.
Is now (very proudly) sleeping in her "big kid bed" (crib converted to toddler bed).
Using an alarm that lights up green, to stay in bed until 7 a.m. (gets a marble in a jar each time she successfully does so, then when the marbles are all used - ice cream date!)
Ob.Sessed with Mama this month. And I love it.
Loves to "play clay" (play dough).
Tells the story about the deer from the Wallowas "try to eat my food" in our campsite multiple times each day.
Beebee is in charge of FrancieCare this month.
Gives lots of compliments.
I love you so ... much!

Quotable Quotes:

She is still pronouncing so many words in a cute toddler way that I hope I don't forget too soon ...
"myugisk" = music
"agilater" = alligator
"toof" = stool
"stawbeeee" = strawberry

While on a flight home from Detroit and looking at an animal flash card app:
"Babies cry a lot because elephants have tusks"

Driving somewhere in the car, seemingly out of the blue:
"Love the shit out of me."

To her daddy, which made him so proud:
"I love myself."

Playing with a stethoscope toy and her doll:
"Baby sick because have fly in her brain. Fix it."

Laying in her big kid bed together:
"Pretty eyes, mama."

When I'm getting dressed for work in the morning:
"Cute dress, look so pretty."

When I get out of the shower:
"Have cute buns" or "Nice boobs."

Anytime, all the time:

Also, any time, all the time:
"Saw deer. Tried to eat my food. Has owie fall in hole" sympathetic head tilt.

"Make you feel better," with a hug and a kiss included.

Me: "What does Daddy do for work?"
Her: "Get money."
We laugh, so this is reinforced, so she refuses to ever say that daddy "teach big kids" or that mama is a "peepafogis" (aka speech pathologist - clearly, she needs one).

Me: "Want to hang out with me tomorrow?"
Her: "Yay, supermama!"
Me, laughing: "I like that. Where'd you get that?"
Her: "From my head."

Randomly, while I'm getting ready for work one morning:
"My body not feel good. Because hamster in my brain ... All better. Hamster gone."

The day she learned that Stac and Vivi weren't able to come and visit form Denver:
"I'm kinda sad. Because, Stacy, um, throw up."

Lying in bed together before she goes to sleep:
Her: "I have big kid bed!"
Me: "I know, I'm so proud of you."
Her: "Why?"
Me: "Because you're doing a good job growing and learning and you're turning into a big kid."
Her: "Get penis soon?"
Me: "No, you won't get a penis, because you are a girl, so have a vagina."
Me, concerned: "Do you want to have a penis and be a boy?"
Her: "Yeah."
Me, still concerned: "Do you want to be like mama or like daddy when you grow up?"
Her: "Daddy."
Me, still concerned: "Butt are you happy that you are a girl?"
Her: "Yeah."
Me: Phew.

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