Thursday, October 22, 2015

(43 Months) - 3 Years + 7 Months

She now likes princesses (sputter, gag, ugh).
She got her hair cut, and has a morning dose of "hair medicine" to help tame that beast of a squirrel's nest.
She coined the term "vagina bridge."
Prolific artist. She's single-handedly bringing down every last tree with the amount of paper this one goes through.
She said "motherfucker," and I've rarely laughed so hard. #greatparenting
Can say she was marooned on BIRI.
A poet in the making, she told Beebee: "Your car is old. Your house is very old. You are very, very old. I am young."
Getting good at her letters, identifying nearly all of them in written words (only capital letters), and writing several, including F, E, O, P, B, M, N, A, S. I'm hopeful she'll love the written word as much as both her parents do.
Still crushing on Caillou. Asks nearly daily if she can watch a show (my chest tightens even writing that).
She still prefers to wear her shoes on the wrong feet.
She's a nail picker.
She's up for new things, like riding aboard a paddle board with daddy, or going for a family canoe ride, or trying a new food.
We thought there was going to be a resurgence of the epic tantrums circa earlier this year, but alas, it was just a two-night ordeal, not the makings for a trend. And also, we started bedtime a bit earlier.
Loves reading the same few library books every single night for a couple weeks, then getting new ones. Lately we've been reading: Pretzel, about a very long dachshund who is in love with Greta, who doesn't care for long dogs, but Pretzel wins her over by saving her life; Swimming, about tiny fish who get eaten by sea predators, and the crafty idea of one of the survivors to make their school look like a large predator by swimming in the shape of a big ole fish; and You Can't See Your Bones With Binoculars, my personal favorite, because I'm a health/medicine/bio-science geek like that, and apparently she is too. ("Mama! Our fingers and toes are PHALANGES!!!")

The skybridge between the VA and OHSU, when she and Beebee came for a Wednesday coffee date.

This was my first visit from Francie at the Portland VA campus since she's been a kid, rather than a baby. She and my dad were waiting for me in the lobby, while I was with a patient back in the treatment area. I walked the patient out an Francie ran up to me, "mamaaaa!! Did you help that person?!?" Then she handed me a drawing for "the person you helped. With a brain injury." I couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed, like she said aloud something the rest of us would just think. But also proud, such compassion in that one. Call it a HIPAA violation, but I introduced her to my "friend" and let her give him her art. It was a sheet of printer paper with black letter A's all over it. He's a college student, so maybe it's grade inspiration?

Xander and the Bean sharing snacks at the park. It was like creepy forecasting for the future.

Greenleaf visit.

Working out with Daddy in the WLHS weight room.

Power stance. She chooses her own outfits. And clutches. They knocked down the two houses on our street, which made for some good preschool entertainment.


Mila's 4th birthday party was at a creepy-ish tea house, where Jeremiah and Alex made it extra creepy by also playing dress-up. And drinking whiskey in tiny teacups.

We celebrated Beebee's 72nd birthday with brunch at Bread and Ink Cafe and a SE Portland Parkways walk.

Crossing the new public transit/walker/biker Tilikum Bridge.

Girlcation to BIRI to visit Bri and Zahavah.

Windy times island on island drives.

Island bound = painting with grown-up paints.

Uncle B and his Bean. My heart.

Before/After haircut at Sit Still. From manbun to bob, she can rock it all.

Her Daddy was SO happy to have his girls back after a prolonged girlcation away.

Flamly portrait. This has replaced the photo from our wedding that has been at my bedside for 6 years. Is this what having kids does? Eliminates the memories of being young and thin and relatively beautiful, with a face that looks overly round and with a crooked smile?

Her drawing changes, from faces to bodies.

Apron, buns, hearing protection, Fetty Wap. The makings for a good home video.

Texting the BFF's about all the hilarious random shit this Bean says. Potty mouth.


She told her teacher her mom is her best friend!!! I've trained her so well.

We spent a weekend away at our friends' cabin near Willamette Pass. Paddleboards, canoes, good food, and great company.

Francine, Jo, Amy, Peter.

Peter and Francie sharing a stick on "Frog Island."

Flamly at Crescent Lake.

Indoor s'mores are a treat.

Flamly canoe ride.

Francie and Evan loving on each other.

Mama time.

This just reminds me of Francie, because I can't even tell you how many times I'm asking her to please only scratch her butthole in the bath. I mean, the girl gets her ass wiped with baby wipes, what's she complaining about?!?

Her first word, "pooop." #proud

Drawing Grandma Nancy - with earrings and legs. "Isn't she pretty?"

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