Thursday, May 23, 2013

She's Back

Guess who had to dig through old forgotten bathroom drawers searching for a pad or tampon? Because she's baaaaaack. Aunt Flo that is. Yeah, "she," because I have to personify my vagina. No really, I've gone very nearly two years since having a period. It's what I always wished for as a newly-pubescent girl. I'm now remembering the impact of cramps, a touch of the PMS, and eating FAR too many sweets. Is it weird that I feel some sense of pride or accomplishment that I made I it until my daughter is 14 months before getting my period again? As if I did anything special to "earn" this superpower. Also, if I think about it, it probably just means she's actually weaning. Which makes me sad. But there's hope yet my boobs will once again be the symmetrical wonders they once were. Only this time they'll hang to my kneecaps instead of my belly button. Gross.

1 comment:

  1. LOLLOLLOL!!! ditto! ;) except mine flow came back 7 weeks postpartum and Hunter nursed till he was 12 months..


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