Monday, October 14, 2013

Columbus Day

When I just walked through her room, she meeped "mama" twice even though she was fast asleep. Such a sweet little Bean.

Today was a day of firsts. The first time I've been home alone longer than 20 minutes since March 2012. The first time Francie sat on a toilet. And the first time I've folded my laundry in 6+ weeks. 

Being that I'm a federal employee, I got today off for work, honoring that rapist and pillager we all know and don't love. I debated about whether or not to spend the extra day with the Bean, or to use it to get some things done. Being that we already paid for daycare, I opted for the latter. I dropped her off at her normal time, around 8 am, and felt immediately guilty about taking her to daycare when I have the extra time to hang out. To make matters a bit more difficult, she decided after a weekend of anti-mama sentiments to become sweetly attached to me. Girlfriend did not want me to leave her at school today. As soon as I got in the car after drop-off, I Facebook-confessed my mom guilt to a private group of girlfriends, headed home, and was immediately absolved of said guilt and thus productive. I completed some continuing ed courses, vacuumed  and mopped the floors, ate lunch in front of the TV, and ran solo errands. Of course there still wasn't enough time to get through my 17 page To Do list (today didn't  seem like the right day to "make a quilt" or "start yoga" or "learn to knit" or "paint the front door"). When I picked the Bean up this afternoon, she was pleased to see me and was never the wiser that I cheated on her with my free time. 

As for the potty - we are in no such hurry to get Francie out of diapers and into undies. But tonight, after her bath, during nakie baby time, she was rubbing her Buddha belly and dancin around our room when she started to pee a little on the carpet. I didn't notice, but Alex commented that she seemed to pee only a little bit and then cut it off. "Do you have to pee?" I asked her. "Yeah," she said, like she does to most everything. "Do you want to put on your diaper?" Vigorous head shake refusal. "Do you want to sit on the toilet?" "Yeah." So I picked her little naked self up and propped her on our toilet, hovering precariously over the large bowl. She never did, in fact, pee, but indicated she wanted to use the toilet paper, so I went through the motions of wiping her as though she were a bigger kid. Not so oddly, she seemed proud of herself. 

And the laundry? It took me nearly an hour to fold and put away. Lets see home long I can keep it like this.

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