Friday, January 20, 2017

(Just Pics) - New Year, New Letterboard

Just a sheep in the herd, I followed in the footsteps of BFF Rachel and bought myself one of these letterboards. And I love it. For the month of January, it bears our Closeman Family goals/values/resolutions/reminders. Sure, most of them are mine, and more or less the same things I declare not only every New Year, but probably almost every day. I've been "doing the work," as they say, for the last 8 or so years, and I suppose if I reflect back, I can actually tell a difference. Is life, or am I, perfect? Of course not. That's just ridiculous. And supposedly that's not even the goal. But this year I'm feeling like I want to take it a little further or a little deeper on the personal/professional front, now that I have the time and space inside my own head for good-ole-regular-run-of-the-mill self-improvement. I want to consume less junk food - for the body, the mind, and the soul. I want to be a little more childlike - laughing more often and laughing more easily, staying in the moment, and re-experiencing having fun without having anything special. I want to get back to the physical activity that makes my body feel truly good, not just good enough (here's looking at you, yoga). I want to take that writing class, like I always say. I want to read more voraciously, and more diversely. I want to spend more time outdoors, even in the winter.

Making 2016 - the year a B-rate celebrity demagogue became US president-elect - a thing of the past, we rang in the New Year, East Coast timing, with some great friends, old and new. And all of their kids. To which the noise level would indicate there were no fewer than five dozen. We ate split pea and ham soup and Little Big Burger french fries, we drank cheap champagne, one kid hit up urgent care with a possible broken finger, we ate Beaverton Bakery Cake, and the kids made a lot of noise and had a lot of fun. And all left our house well before midnight!


Clearly the girls - and Max - have had some photos of them taken before.

Logan and the littlest babes not pictured (and Mila hiding in Francie's weiner dog pants)

There was, in fact, a quiet moment. Actually, about 30 of them. The parents caved and turned on a show, simply to allow our nervous system to regain function. And there's Geo, just one of the kids.

BFF kids and pajamas

Max, Finley, Loga, Hannah, and Francie

Meanwhile, the Closeman Family New Year's Day looked an awful lot like this, my view from the couch.


Football and Moana Legos.

Family movie night while wearing a leotard - Pete's Dragon - dinner on the couch and all.

Cheers to 2017!

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