Thursday, July 12, 2012

Tahoe Time

I feel haggard. Like we just returned from Vegas. Or Cabo. Or Miami. But no. We are just getting back from a short weekend in Tahoe for a family BBQ. I was very, very stressed about the trip. I was worried about playing pass-the-baby. I was anxious about flying in general, let alone with a new baby. I was stressed about rushing from work to the airport and getting back late Sunday evening to re-join the Rat Race.

The Bean's first flight was seemless. She was a superstar flyer. We sat in the very front row of the plane - Alex in the middle seat between a fat man and a baby (granted, it was his own). I brought the Boppy, which was Alex's ingenious idea, and nursed the Bean during takeoff and landing. In between, while the flight attendant served drinks, we made googley eyes and cooed at the baby. Chris picked us up from the airport, where we had to call on geometry skills from 8th grade in order to pack our stroller, suitcase, diaper bag, etc in the trunk of the Audi. When we arrived at Close Quarters, there were nearly a dozen, people - all family, of course - waiting in the driveway and clapping. That's right, they clapped when we pulled up. I was mortified. Or terrified, I'm not sure. Fortunately - more for me than for Francie - she was hungry and a bit fussy and we were able to hide out in the guest room to feed before succumbing to the overwhelm of the extended family masses. I was convinced this greeting was a mere preview of what was to come for the weekend. Thankfully my worry outweighed the reality (it always does). The BBQ was a success and it was great to catch up with everyone - Alex's grandmother, his brother and sister-in-law, cousins, aunts and uncles and second cousins and neighbors ... and we even got a visit from Auntie Erika and Karl!

It seemed like I blinked twice and the weekend was over. Part of that was due to lack of sleep. Not that I was boozing it up like 4th of July's of old. But because the Bean slept in bed with us, she woke me up five times as often as usual, like a midnight eating machine. We didn't visit any of our usual Tahoe haunts - no Old Post Office, no Five Lakes hike, no sailing on Another SNAFU, no Tahoe City shopping, no float on the Truckee. But we had some nice quality family time, a short visit to the beach that I'm sure Francie will come to know and love, and lots of outfit changes (that's why I had a girl, right?) The flight home was a bit more harried - mostly for me - the Bean gave out a few good squawks, enough for our fellow passengers to look our way with fright (judgment?) in their eyes.

All in all, I'd call it a success. I was able to let go (temporarily) of some of my baby-controlling-tendencies, enjoy the good company, and catch up on some Vitamin D. That said, I have no plans to travel again anytime soon.

Here are some photos from the weekend:

Taking in the view, atop Mt. Rose - Francie's first view of the lake.


Francie's 4th of July costume changes.

Not to be outdone by the Bean, Alex rocked his hand-me-down from Al.

Auntie Erika meets the Bean!

Papa Pablo, Lil Darlin', and Grammy.

Enjoying mama/baby time.

Beach baby. She's a Pisces after all, so I'd expect her to like the water.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm glad you could chalk this trip up as a success! And while you and Alex will always have your Tahoe memories of times you spent theretogether, how fun to think of all the new memories you'll have there with your little family! Awesome! And go Team GIRL!! :)


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