Tuesday, September 18, 2012

26 Weeks

26 weeks. That's half of one year. Or 182 days. Or 262,080 kisses, one for every second.

And this is what tummy-time still looks like.

Apparently PBR is in her future?? Alex ...

My favorites.

Family Race for the Cure - it was crowded and poorly organized, but we did it for you, Mom!

I love you forever, I like you for always, as long as I'm living, my baby you'll be.


  1. Oh Joanna - this is awesome. So beautiful, so precious - again I'm speechless and teary. You are so creative and express yourself so well - that Francie is one lucky girl to have a mama like you!

  2. Favorite book quote ever by the way! <3

  3. Alex had never read the book until a few months ago, and I swear he cried a little!


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