Wednesday, September 5, 2012

It Gets Better?

Just when I started a post of a similar title, sans question mark, my mood this evening takes a downturn and I'm throwing myself a pity party. Does it EVER let up? Or is the rest of my life a very finely orchestrated balancing act? Cirque du Soleil I am not.

I'm mostly just stressing out about my milk supply. Yeah, yeah, stress can deplete milk supply. I know this, but it's a vicious cycle. Last week I decided I needed to start bringing my pump home from work on a nightly basis and introduce a third daily pumping session in order to maintain my supply and slowly build up an emergency freezer stash. Ugh, there's nothing like spending no less than 1.5 hours per day attached to a noisy device that suctions milk aggressively from your nipples. At least these days it's not also milking tears. Today I got only 13 oz total - barely enough to cover tomorrow's work day. But it's the irony that kills me most - when I'm home in the evenings I spend time away from my baby so that I can produce food in order to be away from the baby. Riiiiiiiight ....

Oh yeah, and Gizzy is marking the house again. She peed on two separate rugs no fewer than two times in the last 48 hours. Thanks, EB Farnum.

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