Thursday, March 15, 2012

37 Weeks

Also known as "full term."

I'm not gonna lie, working full time while full term is hard fucking work, pun intended. Maybe it's just me, but while I don't feel like sitting at home simply waiting for baby's arrival, I don't feel myself too inspired to be dictated by the regular working schedule. Today, for example, I was so exhausted when my alarm went off that all I really needed was an extra couple hours rest, and then I'd bee on like Donkey Kong. But how does one say to their boss, "Hey, I'm tired. I know you work 60 hours per week to my 45 or 50, but is it cool if I sleep in a bit and just show up when I'm feeling up to it?" Yeah, I didn't think so. Instead, I find myself calling in "sick" for the whole day, simply to gain just a couple hours extra downtime. Then again, I'm taking myself on a daytime movie date, so it's not exactly complaint worthy, just guilt inducing.

I got to spend the day doing just Jo things. I took myself on a movie date to Bridgeport Village and saw the movie The Descendants. I even had the pleasure of hiding in a dark corner to cry through the movie, because there were only three other viewers at the theater. That's what I call a film success. Then I wandered about, shopping here and there. I spent hours at the Container Store, trying to create/build the perfect office. Because that's of the utmost importance right now, right? Nesting instinct anyone? Needless to say, it was a day well spent. Who knows when I'll get another one of those solo, wandering days again ...

1 comment:

  1. So glad you got to enjoy some well-deserved time to yourself before Francine arrived! Hope everyone is doing well in the Close household despite the unexpectedly early arrival! : )


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