Wednesday, February 27, 2013


I had one of those kinds of days. The kind of day where my husband accuses me of living in a silly tv program. The kind of day where I wear Powell's socks. A Portland kind of day. Or, a "Portland" kind of day.

This morning the Bean and I went to the Hillsdale library for baby story time. Here I was surrounded by homemade-baby-food-feeding moms and dads, and I had multiple conversations about co-sleeping and extended breastfeeding. Then we stopped at the kiddo resale/consignment shop, followed by an errand to the co-op grocery store for organic produce, free range chicken eggs, and some homemade vegan soup for lunch. In the afternoon, the Bean and I walked to Multnomah Village. I did push her in the stroller - if I was really Portland I would have carried her - but I like a place to put my purse when we are on adventures. Our destination was Thinker Toys - "Portland's most hands-on toy store." Here I was shopping for Logan's 2nd birthday and for Francie's 1st. I was in the market for a baby doll (Francie, not Logan).. I never thought I'd have a daughter with dolls, but she seems sort of drawn to them, which makes sense given her interest in people. I had a hard time deciding which dolls were the least creepy - those open/shut eyes wig me out. So I bought her a doll whose eyes stay open, whose body is like a bean bag, but whose limbs are more real-life-like. And she's black. I mean, if we raise the Bean in SW Portland, she'll be surrounded by middle/upper class white folk, so I've got to use books and toys to demonstrate diversity. Silly of me? Maybe. Ironic? Sure. But Portland? Definitely.

1 comment:

  1. Love it. I totally had the same "Portland" feeling as I was breast feeding baby Iris while sitting amongst a hundred other people on the lawn at the zoo.


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