Saturday, August 8, 2015

(Stuff Alex Did) - 'Merica

The Hubs is questioning whether or not he can still wear bro tanks. Or if now, with his busted old redneck truck, he looks, you know, too WT. My answer is a resounding "yes." So yeah, this week Alex sold the white Subaru he's been driving since I totaled his old Impreza. And he bought a huge new-old truck with a sketchy title history. Apparently this has long been a dream of his. I didn't realize I was kind of married to my father. He has been talking about buying a truck for some time now, but I mostly just tune that Craigslist chatter out. Wah-wah-wah-wah-wah, a la Charlie Brown's grown-ups. Needless to say, he's now experiencing some level of buyer's remorse mixed with teenaged boy euphoria. Whatev. As long as he continues to reassure me that he did his research and the Bean can safely ride in the front seat. And I never have to drive the nasty beast.

Alex reassures me he is not having any male insecurity or mid-life crisis issues.

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