Monday, March 7, 2016

(Stuff Jo Writes) - Portland Moms Blog

Thanks to my friend Mari, I am now a "contributing writer" for the <1 year old website/blog Portland Moms Blog. Not that I'm getting paid or anything, but beggars can't be choosers. Dreamers can't be greedy. And I don't think many writers can be rich!

Seriously though, I am very grateful for the opportunity to have a platform, the structure (read: deadlines), and a fellow community of local mommy/bloggers at my fingertips. The website is what they call a "collaborative blog," meaning that it has a variety of contributors in different capacities - a blog for and by local PDX mamas. It has been up and running nearly one year now, and is a great resource for all things mothering, including information about local activities and events, showcasing local businesses, sharing personal essays or parenting tips, and sometimes even giving away free stuff. In a world where we are constantly inundated with media sources of all kinds, it is difficult to pare it down to only the most useful, entertaining, and valuable. I know that I could probably while away hours upon hours exploring the dark and dusty crannies of the interweb, but I'm glad when some of my most desired reads are easily accessible. I need to be told about the cool monthly family concert series, the steal-deal bargains at a new kids store, or the relatable essay about parenting an Only Child. I don't happen to have all the time (or energy) in the world to track down all the goods, even if I could (and maybe even want to) spend all day staring at the computer for non-work-related activities. All that said, I like what I've read on PDX Moms Blog ("PMB") so far, and look forward to getting to know some of the other women involved, exchanging parenting experiences and story ideas, and sharing some of my stories/articles here.

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