Friday, June 3, 2016

(51 months) - 4 Years + 3 Months

My girl at "four and three quarters":

And the outtake:

Alex: People with vaginas get to have babies.
F: They do?
Alec:  Yep.  People with penises don't get to have babies.
F:  Nope. They just get to stick it in.

Before pooping - Every. Time. "Don't come in or don't let anyone come in."

Text from Mimi:
Conversation at dinner tonight ...
Papa: Francie. It's a strange thing about time... Poof it goes by
Francie: yeah and then out comes the baby!

"I can't do sex ... Because I'm a girl!"

Nightly tantrums - despite the long summer evenings we are attempting to approach her bedtime with more rigidity. My iPhone alerts me nightly at 7 pm to get our nightly routine started. 

When I first can home, she wouldn't let me out of her sight, practically under foot like a small dog. 

Mad at me (tired), screaming and crying in the ultimate meltdown while leaving the Huff's: "You're the baddest mama."

"I love you to the sun and back. That's further than infinity."

"I could give you an million billion zillion hugs."

"My turn first because I'm the youngest. And the prettiest ... We're both the prettiest."

We gave Beebee a new American flag bandana/scarf. He blew his snotty nose into it first thing. "I guess it's not new anymore!!"

Francie: "I can't have a baby."
Alex: "Why?"
Francie: "Because I'm 4."

Recent puzzle obsession (mostly the easy 16 piece Elsa one from her dentist visit). 

She requests brief audio recorded guided meditations before bed with me.  

F: "Do you want to know a secret about how to get away from badguys?"
Alex: "Yeah."
F: "You just back up, and back up, and move forward and back up and then run inside and get a gun."
Alex: "But you don't have a gun.  I don't have a gun.  Where are you gonna get a gun."
F: "Weeeellllllll.  We just could borrow one from Beebee!"

Still obsessed with her original Elsa dress, and has added two more to the collection. As you can see from a majority of the photos (mostly texted to me) from the last month. 

With the poster/map Beebee made her to track our Spain travels. 

Dressed as Elsa watching Frozen in the new cape I made her for her advent. 

Facetiming with Mama and cousin Baby Hazel. 

Watching a video I recorded of me reading a book, a surprise in her advent calendar. 

Bubble beard with Papa. 

New cute hairstyles thanks to Mimi. 

Camino advent!

Biking (in Elsa dress) to the faraway park with daddy. 

The rock she colored for me to leave at Cruz de Ferro. 

FaceTiming with Mama from Spain. 

Sporting her latest mama-made Elsa dress (Mimi had to help fix it all up). 

The Bean and her entourage leaving a neighborhood bbq. 

Helping daddy finish the Adirondack chair. 

Papa time. 

Meeting Baby Finley!


So proud to hold her head. 

Making cookies for the postal worker - a kindness activity from her advent. 

Picking strawberries with Mimi. 

Tea with Mimi (in get Elsa dress of course). 

The welcome home sign and pressed flower art she and Mimi made me. 

Pressed flowers and painted wood frames. 

Reunited and it feels so goooooood. 

Mama Day at the coffee shop, the park. 

Mama meets Baby Finley!

Glasses shopping with Beebee. 

Sweet sleepy girl. Those lips. 

Dinner and ice cream with Beebee. 

Fathers Day picnic in the sun at the Rose Garden. 

We spotted an owl!

First snowcone. Not Anna, she's from the cold. 

Best expression. Brain freeze??

Rose Garden. 

Happy Father's Day!

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