Thursday, June 23, 2016

(52 Months) - 4 Years + 4 Months

Since she's been telling everyone she's  "four and a quarter," Mimi taught her that now, if she wants to be mathematically correct, she's actually "four and a third"!

Alex: you could write books when you're bigger. 
F: or I could be a police officer. Or an ambulance driver. 

Laying on her back in the bath, kinda shouting, her ears under the water: "mama, I can hear the sea really good. I mean, the ocean!"

"Dark purple is my favorite color. Not light purple because it doesn't have much color. Dark purple has much color."


Kristoff and "Spen"

Leaving a pit stop in border town en route from Central Oregon to Tahoe. 
"Let's hit the jack, road!!"

"Mommy, I think I have Reynauds like you!" She says excitedly about being cold. 

"I squeezed your cheek like a meatball."

"Let's pretend you're my real mama and you didn't even know I'm asleep and you tickle me."

Regarding her poop: "mama there a tiiiiny little stump and a huge log."

"Daddy can you tell me the name of all the planets?"

Looking at my undies in the bathroom, after I'd been on my period: "No blood. Good job. You won! Winner winner chicken dinner."

"I don't think I'm gonna eat much dinner because I'm just gonna think about dessert."

"Cover me up please."
I cover her.
"I threw a please in there."

"Water's not boring.  And I know everything."

Alex and I leave for a date 
Me: take good care of Beebee. 
F: I will. I won't let him die without you. 

"Daddy, I reeeeeally like honey."

Waiting to take off from Chicago to Detroit: "I'm literally ready."

After pooping ...
F: mama, you made my undies go like this to show people my 'gina.
Me: oops! We don't want people to see your 'gima. 
F: we want them to see my face!

"If they get a railroad in our street I'll name it Elsa."

On the ferry in the UP headed to Mackinaw Island: "sometimes I get confused because there's a ferry/fairy that flies."

Regarding crossing a street (more or less by herself):
"Daddy, sometimes when I get to the road I get nervous."

On mackinaw island we went to the bathroom together and I had to poop. I whispered to her, because we were in a public restroom, "I'm gonna poop."
She whispered back, "okay, inwontbtell anyone. Except daddy."
"You don't even need to tell daddy."
"He should know."
Later Alex tells me ...
That Francine did indeed whisper to him that I popped today. Alex responded and asked if he could tell me that she said that. 
"I think she already knows," Francine said. 

Riding in the car for a long trip, I make a kissy face at her and tell her to take a nap. In a high pitched voice like she's talking to a baby, she says, "I like your tiny butthole."

Still working on her lefts vs rights, and I think we finally came up with the solution - "lefty loosy rightie tightie "
(The left hand is 'loose' because she can't hold a crayon as well, and the right is 'tightie' because that's her good writing hand).

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