Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Baby Beluga

I have been having some crazy dreams. Nothing I remember in detail enough to recount, though. The other night, I dreamed of a baby humpback whale breaching in the ocean. I had this intense feeling that this was a miraculous sight, and that I needed to remember the dream and the inspiration in order to look up the meaning the next morning. Turns out, whales are a pretty telling thing to dream about. According to, whales have a long and distinct place in folklore.

"Whales have been used to signify love, grace and intelligence in culture and in folk tales. However, whales also have significance in our unconscious dreams.

One of the symbols with which whales are associated in dreams is that of maternity. Because of the care and concern a cow has for her calf, this energy translates into some sense of maternity within the life of the dreamer. This can be a literal pregnancy, or a sense of being pregnant with ideas, bursting or full."

I don't know about you, but I think this is pretty damn cool. I grew up believing that we each have our own animal. My dad always loved sea otters, my mom collected pigs, and I always felt particularly kindred with wolves. I think my brother remains in the fantasy realm, with dragons and the like. Anyway, I'm thinking that this little Baby Beluga of ours might be a little whale. Making me the cow. Seems fitting, already, and I haven't even outgrown my current clothes yet. Excuse me while I go and save the world while watching Whale Wars.

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