Thursday, November 17, 2011

20 Weeks

We made it. Halfway point. I don't look very big here, at least not as big as I feel. Everything seems to be going swimmingly. I finally believe I'm pregnant. Instead of telling Alex, "I think I might just be fat/bloated/full," I've started to say, "I can't believe I have a baby girl in my belly!" I'm not sure if it's true kicking, but I definitely feel movement in my lower abdomen. It's not painful or even uncomfortable, but I am excited for the day when Alex can feel her kick from the outside. Again, then it will feel more real, and not like some psychosomatic interpretation of a uterine spasm or something. We've been talking girl names, and have about five in mind that we periodically try on for size. But I'm pretty good about finding something wrong with each one, like bad nicknames or associations with Alex's students. Then again, we have more than enough time. Patience, grasshopper.

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