Sunday, April 29, 2012

Fat is Not Phat

These jeans make me look fat.

Oh wait, this fat makes me look fat.

Even my sweats make me feel large and in charge. So it's time to get down to business. I'm going to start an exercise program of ... walking! That's right, I'm going to sweat to the oldies (or Lupe Fiasco) while pushing a stroller through the Maplewood neighborhood. It's what I call suburban athletics.

In reality, I'm only 20 ell-bees (lbs) heavier than I was when I got pregnant (but 40 lbs heavier than when I got married!). But given my paltry fitness regimen the past year or so, that 20-pound weight gain is fat replacing muscle. And I'm just 30, so that's unacceptable. Plus it make me more susceptible to conditions like osteoporosis, cancer, and heart disease. Dramatic, I know, but I'm seeking motivation anywhere I can. That's the problem - while I want to change my body, I'm not confident I want to do what it takes to make those changes. Eating healthier - adding more fruits and veggies, subtracting candy and ice cream. Exercising regularly (walking the dog a 1/2 mile is insufficient). And stretching (gotta get back into yoga - the only exercise that truly made my body feel good).

While most of my body-related angst does indeed relate to my vanity (I would guess about 99.8%), it is also important for me to set a good example to my daughter. And to maintain some level of fitness that allows me to enjoy outdoor activities as a family such as hiking and biking. And to show effort on my part to be attractive to my husband.

If I stay a fat person it will cost me: money, happiness, health, mental health, marriage ... I'd have to buy a whole new wardrobe. I would likely exacerbate any future health problems and lower my overall immune system. I would complain too much, driving my husband to choke me in my sleep. And I would be setting a precedent for Francie that included eating chocolate while sitting on the couch watching ABC dramas, then complaining about being "too fat to fit in any of my clothes." Not to mention, I'd love to actually curtail my frequency of body-bashing comments.

So tomorrow, April 30th, I resolve to get my (padded) ass in gear. It may be just walks this week, but needs to incorporate strength training or yoga within the month. Fo' sho'. No excuses!


  1. Replies
    1. I know, right? But what's with the rain. Uninspiring. But here I go - putting away my computer, putting on my tennies, grabbing the baby and the stroller, and heading out the door ... it shouldn't be this hard! I used to run 1/2 marathons on my way to get coffee.


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